BOB talks

Written a song, ‘Murder Most Foul?’

Written a song, ‘Murder Most Foul?’


We managed to get hold of Bob Villain and persuade him to do an in-depth, revealing interview

1) How are the Villains getting on being locked down all over the place?

BV: The villains are still bursting with ideas. and not just musical ones. We are itching to get back out gigging. This new website that Pete bass set up is looking cool and I know he will be updating it regularly, so look out for any new news! Pete Sutton is busy in his studio and has posted some of our new material on the villains Facebook site. Ian has dug a vegetable plot in his back garden to keep him off Desolation Row. 

2) Why Dylan, as a tribute? You are obviously a talented musician with a succesful mod band, plus collaborations with several highly respected musicians (no names, no pack drill)?

BV:  Why a Dylan band? It just had to be! There comes a time when you want to do more with playing music than just making people tap their feet. You want them to listen, at times, if you can do both then I'm happy. ( and so is Suzy, Pete bass's wife).

The idea was to show the pubs , clubs and theatres that Bob is cool, to make people realise that the songs Bob wrote were in their heads anyway....they just didn't know they were by Bob.

In most bands you eventually become just a juke box. If that's to be the case I want it to be Dylan's juke box , filled with his classics, nobody else's. 

3) Bob has released 2 singles in 17 days - totally unexpected -Is he bored with the lockdown? What do you think of the songs and his voice on them?

BV: .on Murder most Foul he's name checked a song list as a kind of sound track for his life, all against the back drop of the Kennedy assassination. The lyrics are great and his voice is in top form. I recommend you listen to it as the sun sets whilst sitting on your balcony with a glass of something in your hand .

I contain Multitudes again is almost prose set to music..." I'm a man of
contradiction " Bob says. Of course, that's why, when he's in this form he
can inspire us.

4) What is it like to be locked down in Poznan?

BV: Lock down for me, is only bearable with a guitar and music. We have to wear masks outside the house now (all of us, except the president of the united states.. but even he , sometimes has to stand..) and although from Monday our parks are being re opened, it's not much fun walking around in nice weather with a mask on.

I'm trying to learn new songs and to get into a positive routine I couldn't go on having just one more cup of coffee.
Because I'm playing my guitar so much Joanna has started her own social
distancing rules...." go in the other room"…..ain’t that just like a woman

5) Finally, The cover of The Beatles Sgt Pepper is in the background of your (astounding) photo. Its the only detail we can see. What is the significance of that?

BV: Now, as I said earlier, we have to wear face masks outside here in Poland.  In the picture of me wearing mine there is , on the wall behind me a framed LP cover of The Beatles St. Peppers lonely hearts club band album. We have a prize for the best thought out connection...Bob the Beatles,  Poland , mask. Could be a song link , film, or nothing in particular. Get thinking.

So, bye for Now, and here's hoping that we can soon all be singing..

.Its All Over Now!.

6) Thanks, keep safe and well


10th May, 1966 UK TOUR BRISTOL


Just Like a New Morning