Bob Villains online gig Saturday 16th May
ON Saturday we should have been playing at Ware Southern Maltings, a gig to mark Dylan’s birthday. Coronadoom has put paid to that, but thanks to Lemonrock we’re doing the gig online. Like a proper gig it starts at 9pm, with some new studio tracks, some oldies but goldies, and one recorded live at last year’s Southern Maltings bash - no unsociable distancing then... there was even a stage invasion!
Here's the link for the Lemonrock online gig:
There's more news from Poland below
. You can also see the latest Cyberspace Studios video, with a fin-de-siècle flavour.
Hope to see you all for real before too long - follow us on our Facebook page and our Facebook group, on Youtube , on Twitter and Lemonrock for gig news and more.