Bob Villains Update

May you live in interesting times, says the Chinese curse.

We set out at the start of the year to take the Bob Villains forward,

We’d recorded new songs, produced new videos, developed a great new Bob Dylan story with lighting, video, stagecraft a great 2-hour show, to really honour the man himself and his music.

No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition – least of all Covid-19 -so we are devastated that our shows have been postponed

Our fans health and well-being are of paramount importance to us and so, as the situation stands currently, we will not tour again until probably June 2020.

We are hugely sad to be having to take these actions but please, be assured, “we ain’t goin’ nowhere” and will be back, stronger and brighter, with a stronger show as soon as we are able.

 In the meantime, please keep watching our social media as we will try and switch to providing you with interesting, fun and Dylanesque bits online.

For now, please look after yourselves, and your families, as well as, if possible, those people around you who may need additional help and support. Now is our time to show how we can really work together.


News and Blues from Poland


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