News and Blues from Poland

News and Blues from Poland


We're into our 15th day of it here.

Only food shops and chemists are open. Only 1 person
allowed in the shop at a time so there are queues naturally.

 It's important to do something positive everyday so I've been learning new songs ('re learning old ones!).

 I find I'm much more pro active with my Polish language learning and I've been trying to speak it more often.

Up until yesterday I was able to go running 3 or 4 times
a week but no longer.  Only a walk to the chemist or shop is allowed and rather strangely can walk your dog!

I'm tempted to carry on jogging and if I'm stopped by the police I'll say I am running after my dog!

Today the police were in force on the streets with loud speakers announcements informing everyone of what is expected of them. It's
strange but rules being barked out in a foreign language always seem more foreboding to me.

It's obviously incredibly quiet and in the past I would curse the noise of the airplanes flying over my flat. I'm now looking forward to when I can hear them once again.

I'm also writing new songs just as therapy really and
more importantly I'm trying to learn some new jokes for the concerts....beware!😆.

Hope you're all well. Keep Safe. Love to ya all!


Just Like a New Morning


Bob Villains Update